5 Element Personality Quiz
Curious to know how the Taoist Yoga 5 Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, show up in your choices, actions, energetic makeup, personality and yoga practice?
Each element represents energetic forces that empower both the world around us and the energy flowing through us. Each of us embodies a unique blend of these elemental forces, guiding the choices and actions that shape our life journey.
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5 Element Yoga Personality Quiz!
Water Element
How Dominant is the Water Element in Your Personality?
I am comfortable with solitude & quiet reflection.
I enjoy when someone else makes the major decisions and simply tells me my role or what to do.
I often feel plagued with fear, anxiety, or uncertainty of my choices.
I consider myself empathic: I am strongly affected by other people's feelings.
I have a clear vision for myself and my future.
How Strongly Does the Water Element Flow into Your Yoga Practice?
I prefer vinyasa flow over other types of yoga practice.
Reaching a higher level of yoga/personal growth is very important to me.
I get "into the zone" easily during yoga, meditation, or spiritual practice.
I go to yoga for my own self-introspection. Talking to my classmates doesn't interest me.
Encouragement from my yoga teacher really motivates me.
Wood Element
How Strongly Does the Wood Element Spring into Your Personality?
I love starting a new project.
I often feel restless and I’m easily bored.
Please put me in charge so I can make the decisions!
I love a competition.
Risk taking energizes me.
How Does the Wood Element Manifest on Your Yoga Mat?
I struggle to stay focused during yoga and meditation.
Yoga challenges my mental determination more than my physical body.
I learn postures best visually seeing someone else do them.
I get angry at myself when I can’t hold my balance.
I love trying different classes, teachers, and settings.
Fire Element
How Does the Fire Element Heat Up Your Personality?
I am outgoing, sociable, and easily make new friends.
I’m easily excitable.
I can easily see and focus on the bright side of a situation.
My imagination is vivid.
I’m comfortable making fast decisions.
Does the Fire Element Rule Your Yoga Practice?
I prefer a yoga practice inside a studio setting over a home class.
Mostly, I prefer a faster paced, active sequence over a slower paced yoga sequence.
I love to “over-do” it in my practice, always pushing myself.
I easily connect with my yoga community.
I struggle with stillness like seated meditation practices.
Earth Element
How Dominant is the Earth Element in Your Personality?
I’m a worrier.
I thrive in creating nurturing environments.
I’m a saver — from money, to sentimental objects, to people.
I have a very good memory.
I’m practical and will take my time to think something through before I decide.
Does the Earth Element Ground Your Yoga Practice?
I feel grounded and stable during yoga practice.
I can practice the same sequence with the same teacher without getting bored.
Yoga sequences that move quickly activate my anxiety.
I naturally excel at endurance postures over flexibility postures.
Yoga really connects me to my physical body.
Metal Element
How the Metal Element Shine Through in Your Personality?
I value precision and have good attention to detail.
I communicate well with words.
Grief and loneliness can quickly overwhelm me.
I’m a perfectionist.
I learn from my mistakes the first time!
Does the Metal Element Rule Your Yoga Practice?
I prefer a yoga practice with precise alignment cues and instruction.
I love yoga selfies!
I easily stay focused during yoga practice.
Self-criticism easily enters my practice.
I can’t understand why everyone doesn’t do yoga!
Decipher Your Answers!
Water Element
How Dominant is the Water Element in Your Personality?
If you answered TRUE to most of these questions, the water element flows strongly in your energetic makeup. Personalities with a strong water element tend to be are easy-going and are have a natural ability to empathize with others, qualities which make them less judgemental than other elemental personalities. When this element is in balance, you have a strong sense of purpose, self-worth and self confidence. You work well with others, yet enjoy and are recharged by time alone.
When this energy is out of balance, you may become riddled with self-doubt and second guess your decisions. When you find this happens, tap into people and activities that you love. Water element personalities often discover that laughter truly is the best medicine.
What About Your Yoga/Spiritual Practice?
Did you answer TRUE to most of these questions? A dominant Water element yoga practice is characterized by the ability to get into the zone" or meditative state of your practice. While you don't need approval from your classmates to enjoy your practice, encouragement from the intractur does motivate your practice. Confirmation of a job well done increase your inspiration for time on the mat. Water element yogis often love a slow flow and enjoy the grounding experience of being in the body that yoga brings.
Out of balance, Water element yogis can feel disconnected from their physical form. When you find this happens, connect with grounding postures and slow deliberate yoga sequences that allow ample time to in each posture. ​
Wood Element
How Strongly Does the Wood Element Spring into Your Personality?
If you answered TRUE to most of these questions, the Wood element is a driving force in your energetic makeup. The element feeds inspiration, your willingness to try new things and stretch out of your comfort zone. Strong Wood element personalities are full of ideas but beware - you can also be easily distracted and happily move onto the next idea before finishing the thought or completing the project your are already in! If the wood element is a dominant energy for you, connect with teachers, mentors, and guides to help you stay focused, complete your goals, and channel your inspiration into real manifestation.
What About Your Yoga/Spiritual Practice?
All of that Wood energy new growth and inspiration can get you onto your mat, but unchecked, can leave you distracted once you get there! While you may enjoy bouncing from practice to practice and teacher to teacher, sticking with a style will teach you how to channel your energy and reap results in body, mind, and soul.
And before you step onto the mat, be sure to check your anger at the door, Wood element yogis tend to allow the everyday yoga experiences, like falling out of a balancing posture, or being next to someone who is falling out of their postures, hijack you focus and rob the joy of practice. Lean into the fun of your practice and be mindful to keep your focus on yourself.
Fire Element
How Does the Fire Element Heat Up Your Personality?
Did you answer TRUE to most of these questions? Then the Fire element burns brightly within you, bringing passion to everything you do! Fire element personalities are highly social, comfortable taking risks, and eager to have everyone join in the fun. You're a good leader, creative, loving, and bringing joy to all around you. But be warned - Fire energy also consumes.
In excess, you can burn out from giving 100% to everything and everyone and exhaust others with your endless energy. Find balance by keeping your purpose in mind and slowing down for reflection, so that you direct your love and creative expression into relationships and actions that will yield lasting results and not burn out quickly leaving you in darkness.
Does the Fire Element Rule Your Yoga Practice?
A Fire element yogi is a great friend be and to have! if you answered TRUE to most of these questions, you enjoy going all-in when it comes to your personal transformation and you inspire others with your enthusiasm. You enjoy talking to people about practice and inviting them along. You're a great community builder. But just like off the mat, be mindful of overdoing it to the point of burnout, where you risk injury. Find a steady rhythm in your pracitce to stay motivated without burning out. Consistent practice over time is better that too much all at the start!
Earth Element
How Dominant is the Earth Element in Your Personality?
If you answered TRUE to most of these questions, you grounding, practical tendencies are the embodiment of your dominant Earth energy. Like Mother Earth, you can provide a solid, warm embrace, and comfort those in need. You are a loyal friend and your practical ear makes you a good listener, even though you may tend to worry excessively about yourself and loved ones.
Out of balance, you may have a tendency to hold a grudge against those who have wronged you or your tribe, and you can be indecisive with so many any angles to think through before making a final decision. Playing it safe is right inside your comfort zone. Allow yourself a bit more permission to get messy and "lighten-up" from your naturally grounded state of being!
Does the Earth Element Ground Your Yoga/Spiritual Practice?
If you answered TRUE to most of these questions, you are an Earth element yogi: dedicated to practice and a hard worker during class. You find the best results from getting into a practice routine and enjoy really digging into the nuances of your experience. You enjoy sharing your yoga experience with other so that they too can experience the same great benefits as you, but you are happy to practice on your own and can easily make friends within your yoga community. Yoga provides you a great connection to your physicality and helps you enjoy and understand your physical form, which is naturally strong and responds to strength building postures.
Metal Element
How Much Does the Metal Element Shine Through in Your Personality?
If you answered TRUE to most of these questions, then you may have a dominant Metal element personality. Clarity, focus, and determination are Metal personality attributes. You tend to be disciplined, organized, and analytical. Unlike your earth element counterpart, you aren't one to hold a grudge. Like a sharp sword, you can cut through discomfort, learn from your mistakes, and see right into the essence of a situation.
Well-balanced your dominant Metal personality can map out a plan of action from an array of choices, stay on course without distraction, and motivate others who tend to lose focus or lack direction. Like any elemental nature, beware of the excess. Out of balance, you can be sharp-tongued, aloof, and lack warmth, so be mindful of how these personality tendencies can impact those around you if this sounds like you!​
Does the Metal Element Rule Your Yoga/Spiritual Practice?
The Metal element is a driving force in your yoga pracitce you answered TRUE to most of these questions. Your Metal element ruling qualities of discipline, focus, and determination, guide your energy on the mat. You can also positively motivate your yoga community by embodying leadership and through your joy of sharing your pracitce. All of us can learn from our Metal element yogi friends that a strong focus and listening to the teacher's guidance can reward us with results!
Too much of the Metal energy as a driving force on the mat can bring out excessive introspection to the point of paralyzing self-criticism and a lack of joy in your practice. Be reflective, but compassionate. Remember to recognize your accomplishments and enjoy the rewards of the yoga goals you've worked so diligently to achieve.

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