Where does the year go? Winter solstice is peeking at us from around the corner on December 21, 2023, ready to descend upon us with her yin energy, that cool, still, darkness, immersing us in the season of restoration from the inside out.
Before we dive headfirst into hibernation mode, wrapped in cozy blankets and sipping on hot cocoa, there's a twist to this winter tale – a delightful, heat-filled, yoga twist!
Before you ask me, "Isn't winter, and winter solstice, a time for quiet reflection, for moving inward, with practices like seated meditation and yin yoga?" let me ask you a few question first!
Do you ever find your mind perfectly clear, your emotions stable, and your intuition optimally primed after an intensely powerful, movement driven, physically intense, yoga class?
And conversely, how often has your mind raced during seated meditation?
Has your body screamed to move and twitch during a long yin yoga hold?
These examples highlight the interplay of yin and yang, energies seemingly opposite but actually complementary and dependant on each other for their own power and existence. The calm, quiet of yin carves out her existence from the movement of yang. And yang energy has no vessel to hold his active creativity without yin's willing receptivity.
Sometimes to best access winter's yin qualities, like stillness and emotional depth, we must first find intense movement and turn up the heat.
In today's blog, let's take a detour from the expected winter yoga practice list and explore the unexpected inside the interplay of yin and yang!
Turn up the Heat on Your Yoga Practice
1. Yin Energy and Yang Social Connection
You know what's great about inward reflection? It doesn't have to be a solitary journey! In my 15 years of running a yoga studio, we noticed something fascinating – both advanced programs like teacher trainings, and beginner programs, like intro classes and back to basics, all thrive during the winter season. Why, you ask? Because even in times of inward restoration (yin) we desperately seek outward stores of nourishment (yang) to replenish us. For an avid yogi, group classes, interesting conversation, authentic connection, and a supportive yoga community are outward sources that can deeply nourish our innermost being.
Furthermore, when it comes to meditation, the power emanating from a group meditation can be palpable. Have you ever felt the power of a group meditation? People together naturally create synergistic energy that is more powerful than one individual alone can cultivate. Everyone in your yoga community can benefit from deliberate wintertime connections!
2. Ignite Yin with Yang
Yes, it's chilly outside, and that's even more reason to roll out your mat and get moving! One of yoga's functions is stimulating your inner fire, or agni. This process not only strengthens your life force energy but also enhances digestion and clears your mental fog. Sometimes, the only way to calm mental turbulence is to get the body moving. Face the winter blues head-on with an energizing practice that keeps the body warm and the spirits high. Plus it keeps digestion regular, and we all know that makes everyone's day easier!
3. Fuel the Flames of Your Practice
Ready to step through the fire into seasonal stillness? Here are three playful ways to crank up the heat on your yoga practice:
Hot Yoga: If you're not already practicing in a heated room, consider trying out hot yoga classes. They'll warm you up from the inside out.
Funky Flows: Experiment with lively, creative vinyasa flows that get your heart pumping and your body moving with vigor.
Inversion Fun: An inversion in yoga simply means that your heart is above your head. Headstands and handstands can be a fun winter inversion practice that is physically invigorating and a thrilling challenge for your practice. Need something easier on the arms and shoulders? Bridge, standing forward folds, downward facing dog, and supported legs up the wall are all equally effective inversions.
In Closing: Creatively Embrace Yin and Yang
So, this winter, don't let the cold freeze your yoga enthusiasm or cold shoulder your yoga friends! Embrace the yin and yang within you, and turn up the heat on your mat to access winter's restorative stillness.
Like everything, balance is key. Turning up the proverbial heat on your practice by finding movement, connecting with friends, and learning something new can help you slow down, access emotional depth, settle into stillness, and nurture your wellbeing all winter long.
Namaste and stay toasty!
Registration is open for our 2024
Yoga and Wellness Retreats
and spaces are filling!
A Yoga Odyssey Through the 6 Senses
Inspired by one of my favorite yoga quotes:
"Before yoga, you live in the world, after yoga, the world lives through you"
Be one of only 12 participants with me on this amazing journey to
the Oracle of Apollo in Delphi, Greece in September.
We are already 50% full!
You can also email me to save your spot and learn more:

A Wellness Journey of Yoga, Reflection, and Connection
Retreat for Women
with Patricia Cummings, Therapist, MS NCC, LPC, RYT200
She is only taking 10 extraordinary women on this journey.
5 spots are left!
Email me lara@laraalexiou.com
or contact Retreat Leader Tricia directly: